Custom game
Tic Tac Toe custom game

After slaving away on the applet, trying to launch it on this site, I find out by searching some forums that this server doesn’t support applets.


Well the first fully functional version of my app is up. Right now it is just supposed to function correctly, and I think it does that pretty well. I’ll probably spruce it up a bit tomorrow, adding a welcome screen and some color as well as making the dialogs more uniform and consistent. Currently there’s a few bugs to ignore: weird stuff with the dialogs/pop-ups, the custom game dialog popping up at the end, etc.

All in all I’m pretty happy with the code. I’ll refactor and comment more tomorrow as well as pretty it up, and then it’s off to the next project. This really didn’t take that long considering how much actual coding I put in, so I’m happy about that. Anyways, here’s the GitHub page!!!

Tags: updates tic-tac-toe fails